A Level help where and when it is needed

RegentsX staff and advisors are contributing a series of articles for students and parents about teaching learning, revision and examinations.

The disruption to GCSE, IGCSE and A-level examinations this year is something nobody wants to repeat. Examination boards around the world are reluctant to cancel A Levels for 2021 and inevitably this will be putting pressure upon candidates studying at the moment. 

A-level courses require two years of study and all students have had some or all of their learning interrupted by the pandemic brought about by Covid-19. Syllabus requirements have not changed and so many students sitting A-levels in 2021 will have gaps in their knowledge and will be needing to catch up on work that they should have studied during lockdowns. 

Many schools have done a great job of trying to fill these gaps and teach during school closures but there will still be important study areas that are missing. Students need help and this help is at hand. 

A-level students studying Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies or English will benefit from contacting RegentsX. This online tuition service helps students to identify particular areas where they may have missed work and need support.  RegentsX can identify the key areas and then provide low cost, targeted online tuition to help students catch up and boost grades. 

RegentsX has partnered with Principal Examiners in the UK who have experience of setting and marking A-level examination papers. This guarantees that help is targeted, timely, technically accurate and tutors are knowledgeable. 

For some students this help will be exactly what they need to give them confidence and to raise their grades when they sit their A-levels next year. 

Peter Hogan

Peter Hogan has been the Head of schools in the UK and Asia for 20 years, a schools’ inspector and university governor. He writes about schools, teaching and learning at hogan.education  



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